As an essential aspect of your home, your composite deck needs to be maintained to keep it in great condition, forestall expensive repairs, extend its lifespan, and maintain the investment value.
A good looking deck in the right condition will also enhance the experience you get when you relax in your outdoor space.
If you understand fully that your deck is quite more than just an extension of your living space, you will do the necessary to keep it in great shape.
Asides from the fact that decks need to be maintained to keep it looking nice, you also need to understand that as the deck is constantly exposed to the elements of weather, it is adversely affected and will deteriorate if there is no intervention from time to time.
There are some sound reasons why homeowners prefer to use composite as their decking material. There is a difference between Wooden and Composite Decks. Composite Decks are considered to be really strong, durable, and require very little maintenance.
In spite of how strong the materials are reputed to be, there is still need to establish a routine of upkeep that can help to keep it in good shape.
The materials may be strong, but they are not like wood and definitely need to be properly maintained to keep it safe for the different individuals that will be using it, and also protect it from the sort of damage that will require expensive repairs.
In this article we will consider six important tips that can help you to take proper care of your composite deck.
1. Never Let Food Scraps Linger on Your
Composite Deck

It is true that composite decks do not support the growth of microorganisms, but that doesn’t mean you should be careless with things that can sustain the growth of microorganisms on the deck.
Mould, for instance, is one particular microorganism that is known to grow on wood and cause harms if not taken care of.
Most composite decks are designed to be mould resistant. They are also resistant to the growth of another organism like mildew.
Though it is factual that mould cannot survive on the composite deck, they can thrive on food debris that drops on the composite deck: all they need is a supply of moisture, oxygen, and organic food.
Once any food particle drops on the deck and is left to lie there for a significant amount of time, mould can start growing immediately. Be careful to clean up food debris and organic materials immediately they drop.
Be serious about keeping your composite deck surface clean and well-drained to cut off the chances of the growth of harmful organisms.
2. Do Not Use Sharp Object on the Deck

Do not use shovel or objects with a sharp edge to remove snow from the deck. When winter comes, one of the problems you will face is that of removing snow from surfaces. If you stay in areas where snowfall is rampant, you should be familiar with shovelling snow away from roads and paths.
With composite decks, however, the practice should be avoided completely. It is actually essential to remove snow from the surface of your composite deck, but it is not everything that you can use to remove it.
A shovel may be a great tool to use on tarred roads and concrete walkways, they simply should never be used for composite decks.
They can easily etch the surface of the composite deck and this can lead to permanent damages. Other tools that have sharp edges should also be avoided.
Instead of shovelling snow, you can use calcium chloride to remove snow or ice from your composite deck. It is a viable option and offers the safest way to take care of snow during the winter without risking your deck.
3. Caution with Fire

This may seem more like a caution that a maintenance tip, but it is essential that you take it seriously. Composite materials are known to retain heat.
The implication of this is that they can be damaged easily when they are exposed to fires. Whether direct or indirect sources of fire, the effect can be devastating.
You just have to make sure that you minimize any chances of fire coming in contact with your composite deck. This may seem tough if you love grilling barbecue in your outdoor space.
The fact is that every source of fire such as barbecue grills, fire pits, and other fireplaces can damage your composite deck.
For the safety and durability of your deck, you should endeavour to do your grilling somewhere else and bring your dishes to enjoy at the deck.
Remember also that you cannot afford to let food debris stay long on the deck, so once there is a spill, clean it as soon as you can.
5. Remove Oil and Grease Spills the Deck Immediately

Oil and grease stains can ruin your composite deck in a number of ways. You don’t want the stain to linger on your deck even for a little time.
This is because the longer they stay on the surface of your composite deck, the bigger the possibility of them soaking into the composite wood fibre.
This will compromise the deck greatly and increase the possibility of future damages. Not cleaning up oil and grease quickly does not only compromise your deck, it will also void its warranty if it came with any. It is therefore important to clean up immediately.
In some instances, using soap and water and a soft non-metal scrub can remove the spills. If it doesn’t work, there are some cleaners that can work. Fantastik, for instance, is a viable option.
6. Clean the Moulds on the Deck

We have talked about how mould cannot survive on composite deck but on food debris and organic materials.
The best thing to do is to avoid their growth by all means possible, but if for any reason these organisms start growing on your deck, there is need to clean them appropriately.
There are some available products that can help you to clean up the
deck. One of the most common ones is the Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer that is from the stables of Expert Chemicals Company.
This is a heavy duty mould and mildew remover/cleaner. Another good product that you can use is 30 Seconds Outdoor Cleaner. These are products that are efficient and safe to use.
If there are other commercial cleaners you know can work, use them to clean your composite decking. The most important thing is that you do it as soon as possible to avoid jeopardizing your deck.
6. Have the Composite Deck Inspected From Time to Time

No matter how much you have done to keep your composite deck in a great shape, it is still very essential that you inspect it closely from time to time.
An annual inspection is ideal when you take good care of your deck and other aspects of your building. If it is possible, two inspections in any given year are most appropriate.
Look out for cracks, loose boards, mould growth, loose screws, protruding nails, split board, and any other thing that requires attention.
Most composite materials are well manufactured that they do not have some of these problems, but it a good thing to inspect and be aware of the state of the deck at intervals.
Composite decks do not require so much maintenance, but the tips provided above should never be neglected.
Some manufacturers also have their own recommended maintenance schedule and you must follow it dutifully.
By doing the right thing, you can preserve your wooden deck and enjoy the value of your investment for a long time.